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Housing DC

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Housing DC | Resident Resources

Do you have housing needs? 

We compiled resources from across the District for homeowners, prospective homebuyers, tenants and developers and property owners on this page. 

If you have immediate housing needs, are experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, please find resources and information here:  You can also contact the Department of Human Services (DHS) shelter hotline at (202) 399-7093.

DC Housing Search

The District offers a free affordable housing listing and search engine, where you can find everything from accessible homes to affordable rental and for-sale homes. The site provides information about properties participating in affordable housing programs as well as eligibility requirements, tools and resources for tenants and home buyers.  Go to

Agency Information and Contacts

General information is available from the District’s Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD):
Phone: (202) 442-7200

If you are a potential homeowner, current homeowner, or tenant and need assistance with foreclosure prevention, credit counseling, home budget management, homebuyers clubs or relocation services, please contact a DHCD Community-Based Non-Profit.

If you are facing a housing emergency due to fire, flood, or government closures, call the Office of the Tenant Advocate:
2000 14th Street, NW Suite 300N, Washington DC 20009
Phone: (202) 719-6560

Additional housing support is provided by the District of Columbia Housing Authority and the DC Housing Finance Agency.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the District's housing resources.

Resources for Homeowners

Front Door Website

About: A DC government website that allows current and future homeowners to navigate over 50 District government resources to help them thrive.

Inclusionary Zoning Affordable Housing Lottery (IZ)

About: Renters and homeowners meeting specific income restrictions are eligible to enter a lottery to be placed in affordable rental or for-sale units.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Application: Applicants must take an IZ orientation with a partner community-based organization and register for the program here. Home buyers may take an additional home purchase certificate course.

Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP)

About: HPAP provides interest-free loans and closing cost assistance to qualified applicants to purchase single family homes, condominiums, or cooperative units.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Application: If you're eligible and interested in applying, please contact a Housing Counseling Community Based Organization here.

DC Open Doors

About: DC Open Doors offers competitive interest rates and lower mortgage insurance costs.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Application: If you're eligible and interested in applying, contact a participating HFA lender here.

Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC)

About: Qualified borrowers have the ability to claim a Federal Tax Credit of 20% of the mortgage interest paid during each calendar year.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Reverse Mortgage Insurance & Tax Payment Program (ReMIT)

About: ReMIT assists homeowners in the District who are at risk of foreclosure due to property taxes, homeowner’s insurance, and certain property related expenses.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Foreclosure Prevention Resources

About: DHCD and community-based organizations provide counseling services for homeowners who are behind on their mortgage payments, or who are subject to foreclosure.

Resources: If interested or in need of immediate assistance, review a list of resources here.


About: HomeSaver is a foreclosure prevention program that assists unemployed and underemployed homeowners on their mortgage payments.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Single Family Residential Rehabilitation Program

About: Assists homeowners with physical repairs and threats to health and safety, helps alleviate DC building code violations, and eliminates barriers to persons with mobility or other physical challenges.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Home purchase assistance for employees of District government:

Employer Assisted Housing Program (EAHP)

About: EAHP offers eligible District government employees a deferred 0% interest loan and a matching funds for down payment and closing costs to purchase their first single family home purchase in the District.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Application: If you’re eligible and interested in applying, please contact a Community Based Organization here.


About:  DC4ME provides D.C. government employees a first trust mortgage at a reduced interest rate. The rate comes with or without the option of three percent down payment assistance with a zero percent deferred subordinate loan.

Eligibility:  DC4Me can be used with or without support from the Employee Assisted Housing Program and/or the Home Purchase Assistance Program.    

Eligibility and information:  See

Resources for Tenants 

Inclusionary Zoning Affordable Housing Lottery (IZ)

About: Renters and homeowners meeting specific income restrictions are eligible to enter a lottery to be placed in affordable rental or for-sale units.

Eligibility: Find out if you are an eligible applicant here.

Application: Applicants must take an IZ orientation with a partner community-based organization and register for the program here.

Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP)

About: The HCVP helps low- and moderate-income residents find and afford housing by providing vouchers to allow participants pay rent in privately owned properties around the city.  

Eligibility: Unfortunately, the wait list for HCVP is currently closed. 

Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act (TOPA)

About:  tenants in rental buildings covered by this Act and up for sale must be offered the first opportunity to buy the building.

Eligibility and support for tenant associations: Find out more about the process here and programs that can support tenant associations here and [here.

Application: If you’re eligible and interested in applying, please contact (202) 442-4407

District Opportunity to Purchase Act (DOPA)

About: DOPA requires rental property owners to provide the District with the opportunity to purchase housing accommodations consisting of five or more rental units.

Public Housing

About: The District has more than 8,000 public housing units, serving 20,000 residents. Learn more about Public Housing properties here.

Housing Assistance Payment Program

About: Available to tenants who are eligible for financial assistance if they are displaced because their apartment building is converted to a condominium or cooperative.

Resources for Developers and Property Owners

DHCD administers programs on rental conversions and sales. Learn more about these programs here.

If you are a developer and interested in learning more about the District’s Affordable Dwelling Units (ADUs), Community Facility Planning, Inclusionary Zoning, Program Compliance or more, visit DHCD here.

DHCD allocates resources for development of rental and for-sale housing under its Consolidated RFP.  Information on the 2021 RFP, for which proposals are due February 15, 2022 here. Additional RFPs may be issued for special resources and pilot programs. 

The Tax Abatements for Affordable Housing in High-Needs Areas Amendment Act of 2020 authorizes tax abatements as incentives for the production of new affordable housing in the Rock Creek West, Rock Creek East, Capitol Hill, and Upper Northeast planning areas, identified in the District’s Housing Equity Report, released in October 2019, as areas in high-need for affordable housing.  Information on rulemaking for the program may be found here.

The District also makes property available for affordable housing development.  Find out more about processes administered by DHCD at here.  Information about property disposition by the Office of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development can be found here.